Employers: How-to’s

Post a Job

Quickly fill out our form and upload your job description. Our team will get to work.

Get Matched

Our team of professionals will find you qualified candidates immediately.

Review Career Seekers

We send you a list of qualified candidates so you can pick your perfect new employee.

Hire Your New Employee

Congrats! You’ve done it, and yeah, it’s that easy. When you partner with Technology Solutions Partners, you can run your business while we take care of the hiring.

Let's Do This Again

Upload a job.

What you get.

Prescreened resumes, mobile friendly uploading, premium support from an award winning staff, and top candidates. Our talent is finding yours.

Employer Partner Testimonial
“TSP has been a delight to work with. They have really helped us decipher and construct a great job description to help us land the talent we have been looking for. With their expertise in the market and knowledge of the industry, they have helped us hire true experts who are amazing fits for our culture.”